The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, are home to 52.4 million people amongst the world richest in terms of per capita wealth.
However, due to water shortage and lack of arable land, these countries need to import almost 90% of their food requirements. These conditions make the growth and outlook of the food sector a very important issue for the GCC countries.
Population increase, growing tourism and transit passengers passing through GCC countries and active Hotel, Restaurants, and Institution (HRI) sectors contribute positively to increasing meat consumption. GCC countries largely rely on imports of meat to meet most of their food requirements. The GCC countries imported over US$5.0 billion worth of meat and meat products in 2015.
“US is well-positioned to serve as a gateway for African companies that are looking for growth opportunities and easy access to expand their footprint in the GCC, Asia, and Europe,”
- H.E. Hamad Buamim
Africa, a traditional trade partner of the United Arab Emirates, has once again emerged as a strong market. Trade between Africa and Dubai has been registering a steady growth in the last few years as more and more African countries adopt free trade policies and realise the importance of Dubai as an international trading hub.
Simple, clean, attractive and adaptable to all ... congratulations Edge!
- Simone Johanson
The best theme I have ever worked with.
- Robert Rassmusen
Awesome theme. Well designed, very flexible, and perfect support !
- James Whunt
Beautifully designed
Duo eu amet suavitate sea putant persius. Mea et mentitum erroribus deseruisse. Qui quod viderer diceret at, ei mea purto dolore eruditi, eam novum accusata cu. Atqui probatus consulatu ne qui. Pri et saperet necessitatibus. Mundi tamquam mea ea, prima habemus quo et, eu quo insolens deseruisse.
- John Doe
Beautifully designed
Qui quod viderer diceret at, ei mea purto dolore eruditi, eam novum accusata cu. Mea et mentitum erroribus deseruisse. Qui quod viderer diceret at, ei mea purto dolore eruditi, eam novum accusata cu. Duo eu amet suavitate sea putant persius. Pri et saperet necessitatibus. Atqui probatus consulatu ne qui.
- Jack Doe
Beautifully designed
Mea et mentitum erroribus deseruisse. Qui quod viderer diceret at, ei mea purto dolore eruditi, eam novum accusata cu. Atqui probatus consulatu ne qui. Pri et saperet necessitatibus. Mundi tamquam mea ea, prima habemus quo et, eu quo insolens deseruisse. Duo eu amet suavitate sea putant persius.
- Jane Doe
Great job! Totally worth the money.
- James Whunt
Best theme purchased on TF by far.
- Robert Rassmusen
Beautiful design, great transitions, elegant and easy to use. Thank you for a brilliant theme!
- Simone Johnson
There's no other vendor my organization will use for future designs...period.
- Sarah Stone
The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises.
- Leo Buscaglia
When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus.
- Mary Kay Ash
“Dubai is well-positioned to serve as a gateway for African companies that are looking for growth opportunities and easy access to expand their footprint in the GCC, Asia, and Europe,”
- H.E. Hamad Buamim
Eu rebum dolore pri, in nam nonumy delicatissimi, ius te aeque consul laboramus. Pro id fastidi imperdiet constituam, minim lobortis vel ad. Vix no munere volumus moderatius. Has graece pericula consetetur enim incorrupte.
Pro id fastidi imperdiet constituam, minim lobortis vel ad. Eu rebum dolore pri, in nam nonumy delicatissimi, ius te aeque consul laboramus. Vix no munere volumus moderatius. Has graece pericula consetetur enim incorrupte.
There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die, Morrel, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life.
- Alexandre Dumas
I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.
- Robert Fulghum
Pri id eruditi saperet, est eius consulatu ei. Qui volutpat similique id, eu est gloriatur liberavisse. Mei probo delectus ei, esse ridens conceptam mea ad. Vix postea graeco noluisse at, eam appetere petentium mnesarchum ut.
- Jack Doe
Pri id eruditi saperet, est eius consulatu ei. Mei probo delectus ei, esse ridens conceptam mea ad. Vix postea graeco noluisse at, eam appetere petentium mnesarchum ut. Qui volutpat similique id, eu est gloriatur liberavisse.
- John Doe
“Dubai is well-positioned to serve as a gateway for African companies that are looking for growth opportunities and easy access to expand their footprint in the GCC, Asia, and Europe,”
- H.E. Hamad Buamim,
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Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Set up your website quickly and with ease.
Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Set up your website quickly and with ease.